
Tool Category/ies: Communication   Collaboration  

License Type: Free


Overall Rating





Google Sites is a web hosting site with a web building infrastructure. Using Google Sites, you can create and edit your own websites without any programming skills. Sites has lots of templates to help you get started and has the ability to integrate with most Google products.



Rating: 4/5

Reviewed by: Ameet Nagpal on 05/02/2013

Google Sites is a web hosting site with a web building infrastructure. Using Google Sites, you can create and edit your own websites without any programming skills. Sites has lots of templates to help you get started and has the ability to integrate with most Google products.

Things to know before using TOOL
A purpose or goal for building the site would be important e,g a course site, or a site for assignments like webquest etc. Additionally, content that will go into the website created using google sites will be very useful.

Resources required for using TOOL
All you need is a decent computer with a good internet connection. Also, you will require a google account if you do not have one.

How to use TOOL in a teaching environment
There are numerous ways that Google sites can be used for educators. Possible uses for Sites include community newsletters, hobby enthusiast groups, student interest groups, faculty information and church bulletins. Sites includes the ability to restrict viewing so that only those invited can view your pages.

Advantages of using TOOL
The advantages are that the information is so readily accessible to anyone, anywhere with internet access. Since this is a week for feedback & reflection, I should also mention that people can post information and others can also make posts so that feedback can be given in this manner.

Disadvantages of using TOOL
 The disadvantages are mainly that it does take quite a bit of work to set up a site and it takes a little bit of effort to figure out how to edit their pre-designed templates. Luckily, there is a help site for making this change:


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